Beat The Data Dictators 👺🏆
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Beat the data dictators
The modern world is fuelled by data. From catching up on WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram to streaming on Netflix or Spotify, it’s the currency that keeps our digital age in motion. It’s likely some of your favourite day-to-day activities rely on having a healthy data allowance at your fingertips.
But according to research, many of us are totally confused about how much data we actually need. Worse still, we might be paying for much more than we should. A poll by price comparison site found that 21% of mobile customers don’t know how much data they have in their monthly package. On average, it’s estimated that users are wasting 3.4GB of data each month.
Could this be you? If so, it means you aren’t using data you’ve already paid for. Instead, you’re paying more than you need to each month – and getting less back in return.
Pushy networks 🐷
The networks like to sell you a 24 month phone contract that comes bundled with a monthly allowance of data, because it makes them more money over a longer period. Even more scandalously, it’s often their loyal customers who end up paying the most. Many of their best deals on data are targeted at new customers, leaving the long-suffering ones with bigger bills and no saving benefit.
They’re also on a mission to convince us that we need more data than we really do – much more. A quick glance through the contracts on their websites will show the default option often being 60GB+ per month, or the so-called Holy Grail, unlimited data.
But let’s slow down for a moment and consider another stat. According to, over 60% of mobile users only need just 3GB or less a month.
In fact, average data usage may be even less – UK regulatory body Ofcom recently found that 60% of us use less than 1GB a month. Only 10% need 5GB or more.
With Wi-Fi now a vital feature in most homes – and also in many places outside – most of us simply don’t need as much mobile data as we’re told we do. Again, the data (ahem) backs this up. Ofcom reports that UK mobile users choose Wi-Fi to get online 69% of the time.
5G excitement 🙉
With the 5G rollout on the horizon, it’s true that our mobile data consumption is set to go up in the near future. If you want to enjoy the freedom of downloading HD movies in seconds on the go, be prepared for your data to be gobbled up.
Unlimited data packages are being offered by the networks as the solution to this – and could be a great option if you want to enjoy no limits 5G with no Wi-Fi attached. But don’t be fooled into thinking you’ll 100% need to go unlimited to stay connected. For most of us it simply won’t be true, because we won’t use our phones that way.
SIM-only solution 👍
Going SIM-only with your network stands out as the fast-track to paying less for your data each month. No matter how much you need, you can beat down the price and escape the expensive trap of your network’s upgrade cycle. Simply find a brilliant SIM-only bargain in just a few clicks and join Raylo for a smarter and more flexible SIM-free iPhone subscription. All-in you’ll be over £40 per month better off.
So, are you ready to take back the power from the data dictators? With so many benefits, we’re going to guess you won’t regret it.