Myth-busting refurbished and second hand phones
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If you’re on the hunt for a smartphone but don’t want to buy brand new, chances are you’ve come across used, second hand and refurbished phones.
And quite frankly it can all get a bit confusing. Does refurbished mean the phone is second hand, and are refurbished phones really expensive? This guide aims to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.
Myth 1: Refurbished is just another name for used
Our verdict: false
Technically a refurbished mobile phone is a pre-owned phone but that’s where the similarities end.
Here’s why: whereas used and second hand phones come in the condition they’re sold in, so with potential defects or faults, refurbished phones are professionally restored to a great condition. This gives you peace of mind that all features will work as they did when the phone was brand new.
Avoid getting stung by a dud used phone with our guide to a safe used phone purchase, or check out the top 10 things you must check when buying a used iPhone. Hint: refurbished is the way to ensure you’re getting a top quality used phone. Check out the Raylo range of refurbished phones here.
Myth 2: You can’t get a warranty on refurbished phones
Our verdict: false
The great thing about buying a brand new smartphone is that it comes with a warranty which covers you for any potential defects with the phone in the first year of use. So if you’re buying a used phone, chances are you won’t be covered by the warranty as that period will have passed.
That doesn’t mean you can’t get a warranty, though – and we think warranty on a used mobile phone is essential. It can be the case that you won’t be covered by warranty if you buy a used phone from a private seller or dealer, but if you choose a refurbished phone from a reputable seller, the phone should come with a warranty which covers you for any faults or defects.
With Raylo Certified Refurbished, every one of our refurbished phones is restored and measured against our 70 point quality check which covers all of the key working features like the buttons, speakers, camera and charging port. And each comes with a 24 month warranty just in case.
Myth 3: The battery life is poor on refurbished phones
Our verdict: false
Like with a used phone warranty, the battery life on a refurbished phone depends on where you buy it from. If it’s a private seller, there will have been no professional cleaning or restoration which means the battery could be pretty naff, especially if the seller didn’t look after it. And once you buy it, you’re not covered if the battery does go south (another reason to buy a used phone the safe way).
With refurbished phones, the battery is checked while the phone is restored. And at Raylo, we only sell refurbished phones with batteries of over 80% of its original capacity.
Myth 4: Refurbished phones are expensive
Our verdict: false
Buying any smartphone can be expensive if you don’t do your research. When it comes to refurbished smartphones, there’s no need for them to break the bank. Just check out some of the Raylo phone deals.
While you might think that getting a refurbished smartphone is going to be far more expensive than a used phone, think again. Check out our post on how to save money on your next mobile phone for the low down.
So what’s the secret to an affordable refurbished phone? Well, rethinking owning the phone could be it. All of our Raylo Certified Refurbished phones are available on lease at a low monthly prices as you’re not paying to own the phone. Check out our refurbished iPhone XR or our refurbished iPhone XS. Not sure about leasing? You can read our comparison of buying, contracts and leasing to discover the pros and cons.
Myth 5: There’s no such thing as an eco-friendly phone
Our verdict: false
You’d be forgiven for thinking that there aren’t many eco-friendly phones out there. But finding one could be easier than you think.
Getting your phone from a tech brand that champions sustainability – like Raylo – is the easiest way to get your hands on a refurbished phone that is eco-friendly.
With our circular economy model, we keep used iPhones in circulation for as long as possible by refurbishing them and leasing them to our customers. By doing this, we’re helping to curb the appetite for brand new devices while giving perfectly usable iPhones a second chance. Check out how we’re smashing smartphone sustainability or discover all that you need to know about getting going eco-friendly with your next phone.
6: Refurbished phones are always old models
Our verdict: false
Our Raylo Certified Refurbished iPhones start at the iPhone XR – so there’s no dinosaur models here. Check out our full range of refurbished iPhones and see for yourself.